Sunday, June 15, 2008

Wu Chu Chuan - The five ancestors

The five ancestors


He was the 28th Patriarch of Buddhism and was also the 1st Patriarch of the

Ch'an Buddhism, the school which he founded in China.

He made his epic journey from India to Guangzhou (China) by sea in 520 AD. He traveled on foot to the Shaolin Temple at Song Mountain in Henan.

Upon his arrival, Bodhidharma was summoned to court by Emperor Wu Ti of the Liang Dynasty, a scholar and Devotee of Buddhism. The Emperor asked the great sage numerous questions on the wisdom of Buddhism and was thoroughly perplexed by Bodhudharma's reply.

Thereafter, Bodhidharma had time to reflect and realized that even the Emperor, a learned and great scholar could not understand what he was trying to impart.

Whilst in Shaolin Temple he could not believe what he saw, for most of the monks were in such poor health that they were in no condition to pursue the arduous task of meditation.

According to legend, he then retired to a cave at the rear of Shaolin Temple where he sat in deep contemplation, facing a wall, for nine years. When he came out of meditation he realized he was not able to use both of his legs.

His immediate task was to decide how to restore the circulation in the legs. He devised various breath control exercises and incorporated with meditation (mind willing), he was able to harness vital energy (qi), and thus restored his circulatory system and health.

From this point he began to the monks the "Qigong" exercises which not only produced good health and concentration, but could also inadvertently be used for self defense. He was also credited for creating the 18 Lohan hand forms.

He left Shaolin Temple soon after and it is not known where. Two famous books, "I CHIN CHING" (the sinew change classic) and "SUI KING CHIN" (washing marrow) were written in his honor by his disciples. Both these books teach the meditation - Cum - Respiratory techniques for developing the Qi (intrinsic energy) and hand movements.

Meditation and Qigong exercises are one of the intergrated parts of the Wuzu System and are practiced at the beginning of a class.

Bodhidharma is one of the famous 18 Immortals who had great affinity with mankind. This group of Lohan are generally found in many temples and they are represented as possessing various kinds of supernatural power, symbolized either by the wild animals couching beside them and/or the special objects that are associated with them. Although the Lohans are a step below the rank of Bodhisattva, they are enlightened beings who deserve our reverence.

It is essential for the development of Dynamic Power that the expansion and contraction of the muscles of the body and limbs are in unison with breath control techniques (Tantien). Hence, the Body, Posture and Fist techniques of Lohan.


The first Emperor of the Sung Dynasty also known as the Sung Grand Ancestor was Emperor Taizu. He was a very proficient pugilist and the Taizu system was named after him. The system is also known as Emperor or Square boxing. He was also credited for devising the 3 sections cudgel.

This system is characterized by every technique being executed proportionately and precisely with majestic body posture and graceful stance. Each of the hand techniques must be forcefully applied by simultaneously stamping the front foot and exhaling the diaphragm (Tantien).


Thera are four White Crane schools in Chinese Wushu and each of these systems have their own emphasis, methods of training and applications. The system was first created by a martial arts exponent (name unknown) who was defeated in a duel and was very depressed. One day whilst walking along a river bank in deep contemplation he was suddenly awoken by a commotion on the opposite bank. He sat down and watched two cranes who were locked in battle. He observed the way they used their wings and beaks for defense and attack, and to shake their bodies vigorously to get rid of water. From this observation he modified and adapted the crane techniques into a fighting system and was able to defeat his opponent in a duel. Hence a system called Yinyang Peihequan was created.

The Shaolin Wuzuquan hand techniques are based mainly on the Yinyang Peihequan.

The flapping wings of the white crane are unpredictable and tricky. There are eight forceful and dynamic hand techniques which are complemented by twenty four refined and delicate soft hand techniques.


Each and everyoneof us possess some of the monkey characteristics such as cunning, agility, evasive skills etc.

The monkey may be small and appear weak, yet it has the ability to survive. The wrist is very agile and fast even though it lacks power. However when the wrist is locked the whole hand and arm can be used as one powerful long hand.

What a monkey lacks can be made up for by it's nimble footwork, agility and evasive skills.


She was known as the lady in Green Dress, herself a great exponent of the traditional Wushu, adding to the finer points of the Wuzu System and advocating the virtues of humility.


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